Saturday, January 27, 2007

What to Do? What to Do?

Things to do this weekend:

1. Clean the refrigerator. The coffee creamer leaked.

2. Clean the bathroom. I leaked, but that's what we do in the bathroom.

3. Take the girls to the dog park. (Tillie here -- This should be #1 on the list! -- Woof!)

4. Finish re-reading Kindred.

5. Rent a good movie. I'm leaning toward Little Miss Sunshine or the The Black Dahlia.

6. Make sure I'm ready for the new semester to begin. I think I've got it under control.

7. Make a batch of lasagne for a friend.

8. Do laundry. Hmmm, clean flannel sheets are nice. (ShellieBellie here -- I agree.)

9. Add my African American book section to LibraryThing. This entry process is taking forever!

10. Start my taxes. Organize the paperwork until the w-2 arrives.

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