Sunday, December 31, 2006

Tillie Says Happy New Year!

Hey Folks,

Mom and Shellie said that it’s my turn to write. I think I’d rather sleep (like my sister is doing – see picture). But, I guess I have to earn the dog food once in a while. Speaking of food, Mom just made something that smells really yummy. Wish she’d give me a taste. She showed me the recipe though and said it was for the football game later tonight. WoooHooo! Packers v. Bears. Mom might actually snuggle into the couch with me for this one. She hasn’t been watching too much football lately, but she leaves it on for me to enjoy. It makes for good napping background noise. I really hope the Pack wins tonight. They’ve had a hard year of it.

Anyway, here’s the recipe for the yummy dip stuff she made:

Football Dip
1 – 1.5 lbs. ground chuck/beef
1 small yellow onion (optional)
3 c. salsa (the hotter, the better)
12 oz. cheddar cheese (about 3 cups)
1 can refried beans (with chilies)
2 beefy tomatoes or 5 romas
salt, pepper, garlic powder to taste

In a skillet pan that can be used on the stove top AND in the oven:
Brown meat and onion. Drain. Return to heat.
Stir in salsa, cheese, beans, and tomatoes.

When cheese is melted, cover and bake in 375° oven for 25 minutes.

Serve with chips.

Note: This dip freezes well.

Hey, I almost forgot. It’s New Year’s Eve. I think my 2007 resolution will be to not jump on the wooden furniture by the porch windows. I’ve been scratching things and broke a bowl yesterday. Mom was NOT happy about that. I didn’t mean to do it, but Shellie is always in the good barking spot on the chair, so I have to get up on something to see what is going on. Good thing I bark louder than she does or no one would even know I was here. The most important thing is guarding the house, right? Mom is very forgiving. She just says “Oh, Tillie, what am I going to do with you?” Then she gives me a hug. I’m pretty lucky.

I bet Mom’s resolution will be to read more – yeah, like that’s possible. I hope she also adds taking more walks with us. I haven’t checked my p-mail in a couple of days. I don’t even know what Shellie’s will be – maybe to not destroy her stuffed animals so much. She’s been making a total mess out of the carpet. Mom has to vacuum up white stuffing at least once a day.

Oooohhh, Mom is about to pop in a video. I better grab the prime spot next to her on the couch. I love it when she rubs my ears.

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope 2007 brings more peace to all everywhere.

--- Tillie

Friday, December 29, 2006

You Have Got to Be Kidding !

OK, it's that time of year when many of us re-evaluate our lives
and set resolutions for the year ahead. 2006 was an OK time. A few
words/phrases to describe it? Insanely busy, frustrating, overworked,
underpaid,overeducated, celebratory, reflective. This is also the time of year that I think of relationships -- old and new.

the picture here is of a fortune cookie message I received this week.
(He is either going to be a cardiologist or a coroner.) Sometimes it is
best to trust that the past is in the past and just keep moving
forward. And, maybe just stick with dogs!

When I grabbed one of my scrappy library cards for a scan background for the fortune, this is the one I got off the pile. Hmmmm,
is the goddess trying to tell me something or what? Maybe I should
change my mantra to "Just stick with dogs .... and tequila."

I'm looking forward to a new year beginning. I have faith that it will
bring much puppy love, good books to read, and creative visions. I bet
there will be a bit of good friendly cheer mixed in, as well.


Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Puppy Love

This is true puppy love! -- ShellieBellie and SillyTillie

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Trials and Tribulations on Vacation

I love Winter Break!

This morning was spent talking with my building contractor and my plumber. I am most fortunate to have good guys in those roles. I just wish the financial end of it all was just
as secure. It's kind of scary how much the whole process costs. At least the girls and I now have a good water softener and a plan for some remodeling work to increase the equity of our home. Shellie and Tillie will be happy to have even more lounge space in the basement.
I'll be glad to have more creativity work space with GOOD LIGHTING. I'm just getting too old to see with dim, crappy lights. I'll also be happy to have a new shower surround that isn't peeling off the wall -- gross!

I also did some book shopping for upcoming classes at school.
I'm desperately looking for copies of a few titles my new student
teacher will use. I hope I have better luck tomorrow. Tonight is set
aside for curriculum planning for next quarter's film class.Hmm, am I supposed to be on vacation? Yeah right....

I just started reading Never Go Home Again by Shannon
Holmes. I'm not too impressed with it so far, but some of my students
requested it from our librarian. I guess I should know what the hype is
about. Maybe I'll alternate each day between that title and The

I'm still dying to go see The Good Shepherd. I've heard nothing but good things about it. I think I'll wait until the mall shoppers run out of money and stay home though. I'm not too thrilled about battling crowds for a new-in-the-theatre flick. This one might be worth it though.

The girls are snoring away. They enjoyed the visitors this morning, but I'm sure they would have rather been trouncing through the mud at the dogpark. Maybe tomorrow. For now, they will forgive me.

Well, back to work on curriculum. --- D.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Holidays

Hey folks!

It's Christmas Day. I have to say that this has been the best Christmas ever because I got a new sister in November. She's a bit of a cow and she farts a lot, but she's cool too. It's nice not having to guard the house all by myself while Mom is at work.

My new sister, Tillie, and I must have been really good dogs this year because Santa left a package for us on the porch last night. Mom helped us open it. The old fat man gave us a cute cookie jar full of yummy new treats. Mom gave us new teddy bears to shake. She didn't seem so happy though after I had the eyes out of two of them in a matter of 5 minutes. I'm working on a world record of destruction.

So, after snoozing a bit this morning while Mom putzed around the house, we went to the dog park for a tromp, swim, and good-old-ball fetching. The park was almost empty. What's up with that? We don't mind though. More mud for us and fewer yip dogs. Tillie and I don't really care for those little ones that bark in our faces. We have better things to do. Oh, and Tillie got to dive off the dock into the water. Mom was pretty happy about that. She didn't know the big girl was an Olympic swimmer. The water was a little bit colder than what I like, good thing I like the water and Tillie has thick, thick fur. Just wait until July! We'll be in the drink all day long if Mom will let us.

Oh, I have to go now. Mom is about to vacuum again and I'm a little tired from the park. Later!

Shellie Bellie

A Few Words of Introduction

Hello ... Shellie Bellie here.

My mom and I are working on this blogspot as a way to stay in touch with the world. Sometimes she will write. Sometimes I will. Sometimes my new sister, Tillie, will pen a few words. Mom is a high school teacher and always seems to be busy, so I might end up doing most of the writing. Tillie prefers to sleep while I do all of the work, but I'll make her do a few pieces, too.

Just a few words about all of us ...

Like I said, Mom is a teacher. She works in an alternative high school here in the Midwest. She's tired a lot (and I have to say a bit crabby these days). She's always worrying about her students and how her school never has enough money for books and supplies. Seems kind of silly that the taxpayers can't even give a little bit extra to make all those ends meet. Should a school have to worry about how much money they have to buy books? People seem to think it's the teachers who should pay out of pocket for everything. I'm not too sure about that view, though, 'cuz it means fewer puppy treats for me. And that's just wrong!

Mom just finished her MLS in library science, so you can tell she reads a lot. That's why we decided to title the blog "Books and Dogs." I thought the "dogs" part should come first, but Mom has final editorial control. She just finished a book called The Torn Skirt. She said it was just "ok" -- nothing to feel all that strongly about. She liked the narrative voice, but she also said the style was rather weak and the document additions toward the end were contrived. I'm not quite sure what that word means, but it makes it sound like a flaw. She's going to read The Historian next. It's a really big book, so I hope that doesn't mean fewer dog park visits.

Tillie is my new sister. I'm not quite sure what I think of her yet. She's only been with us for a couple of months. So far, so good. She was a real cow when it came to dinner time and drinking out of the water dish, but I'm teaching her the ropes. I'm used to snacking all day without having to eat at a certain time. Since Tillie came to live with us, Mom has been making me eat on schedule. I hate that! So, Tillie and I had a discussion about it. She's been really respectful of my bowl -- even if I leave my food sit there all day long. I think that is so cool of her. I know that if she didn't honor my wishes and the fact that I'm top dog in the house, she would eat every bit of my supper. I think it's going to be all good. I'll even share my napping bed and my stuffed Barneys with her--as long as she doesn't get in the way of my ball playing. No one gets in the way of that -- if they know what is good for them. Anyway, Tillie is going to be 7 in February. Shhh-Mom and I are planning a party for her. I just turned 8, by the way. On most days I feel about 2, but after dog park runs, I ache a bit.

Anyway, I think it's about time for a nap, so I'll finish off with this post. I hope you check back with us from time to time.

Shellie Bellie