Their personalities are significantly different. ShellieBellie (in background) is older, very quiet, athletic, and persnickety. That's the collie in her. SillyTillie is a year or so younger and would rather sleep and eat her life away. She's a barker, too. They both hate the purple Barney and Ted the mailman! Both are also bed hogs.
adjudicate: verb : to make a decision about (a controversy or dispute, for example) after deliberation, as in a court of law
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. -- Edward Abbey
Wow - from the picture it looks like they could be twins!
Their personalities are significantly different. ShellieBellie (in background) is older, very quiet, athletic, and persnickety. That's the collie in her. SillyTillie is a year or so younger and would rather sleep and eat her life away. She's a barker, too. They both hate the purple Barney and Ted the mailman! Both are also bed hogs.
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