My mom and I are working on this blogspot as a way to stay in touch with the world. Sometimes she will write. Sometimes I will. Sometimes my new sister, Tillie, will pen a few words. Mom is a high school teacher and always seems to be busy, so I might end up doing most of the writing. Tillie prefers to sleep while I do all of the work, but I'll make her do a few pieces, too.
Just a few words about all of us ...
Like I said, Mom is a teacher. She works in an alternative high school here in the Midwest. She's tired a lot (and I have to say a bit crabby these days). She's always worrying about her students and how her school never has enough money for books and supplies. Seems kind of silly that the taxpayers can't even give a little bit extra to make all those ends meet. Should a school have to worry about how much money they have to buy books? People seem to think it's the teachers who should pay out of pocket for everything. I'm not too sure about that view, though, 'cuz it means fewer puppy treats for me. And that's just wrong!
Mom just finished her MLS in library science, so you can tell she reads a lot. That's why we decided to title the blog "Books and Dogs." I thought the "dogs" part should come first, but Mom has final editorial control. She just finished a book called The Torn Skirt. She said it was just "ok" -- nothing to feel all that strongly about. She liked the narrative voice, but she also said the style was rather weak and the document additions toward the end were contrived. I'm not quite sure what that word means, but it makes it sound like a flaw. She's going to read The Historian next. It's a really big book, so I hope that doesn't mean fewer dog park visits.

Anyway, I think it's about time for a nap, so I'll finish off with this post. I hope you check back with us from time to time.
Shellie Bellie
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