Hey folks!
It's Christmas Day. I have to say that this has been the best Christmas ever because I got a new sister in November. She's a bit of a cow and she farts a lot, but she's cool too. It's nice not having to guard the house all by myself while Mom is at work.
My new sister, Tillie, and I must have been really good dogs this year because Santa left a package for us on the porch last night. Mom helped us open it. The old fat man gave us a cute cookie jar full of yummy new treats. Mom gave us new teddy bears to shake. She didn't seem so happy though after I had the eyes out of two of them in a matter of 5 minutes. I'm working on a world record of destruction.
So, after snoozing a bit this morning while Mom putzed around the house, we went to the dog park for a tromp, swim, and good-old-ball fetching. The park was almost empty. What's up with that? We don't mind though. More mud for us and fewer yip dogs. Tillie and I don't really care for those little ones that bark in our faces. We have better things to do. Oh, and Tillie got to dive off the dock into the water. Mom was pretty happy about that. She didn't know the big girl was an Olympic swimmer. The water was a little bit colder than what I like, good thing I like the water and Tillie has thick, thick fur. Just wait until July! We'll be in the drink all day long if Mom will let us.
Oh, I have to go now. Mom is about to vacuum again and I'm a little tired from the park. Later!
Shellie Bellie
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