Saturday, August 18, 2007

Film Recommendation

I just finished watching a fairly entertaining documentary entitled The Education of Shelby Knox (premiered on PBS-POV in 2005). This film focuses on the struggles of a high school student in Lubbock, TX as she attempts to work with her school board and urban government to revamp the sex-education offered to teens. For those who have biases in their minds about teen slackerdom, this documentary offers a refreshing portrayal of how some kids are stepping up and trying to change their world. If Shelby Knox stays focused and on her political path, she will certainly make a difference. (BTW, she is now a PoliSci/pre-Law major at U-TX-Austin.) You go girl!

1 comment:

k8 said...

I've heard good things about this. Back when it first came out, I remember she participated in an online chat at that was fairly interesting.