The remodeling project is still moving along. The drywall is up. The shower surround is in. The horrendous smell of the epoxy threw me back to a memory from my childhood. Back when I was probably 8 or 9, My dad had constructed a large wall of book shelving in our living room. The base of the shelving consisted of cupboards with a
formica-like top surface. The epoxy he used made me so ill, I'll always remember it. Well, it all came back to me this weekend with the installation of the shower surround marble. I just hope the smell has not done any damage to me or the dogs. This may sound stupid, but I was even afraid to run my gas oven with all the fumes in the house. It hasn't been warm enough to open the windows this weekend, but perhaps a few warm days next week will allow me to air it all out. The plumber is coming back on Monday to finish the shower fixtures and re-install my shower head. I can't wait to have a shower again!!! I've been able to take a bath every day, but there is something to be said for a hot, hot, shower.
Here are a few more pictures of the progress. Almost done!
Shellie says there is NO WAY she's going into that mess.
Pre-Surround Drywall

The shims are helping the epoxy set and the tub surround marble cure in its place.

The shims are off. Now just waiting for the last fixtures.
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