Since it is Spring Break, and I have been cursing the wallpaper in my dining room for almost 7 full years, I decided to finally rid my world of the ugly stuff. It has always been my belief that individuals should not be allowed to install wallpaper (ANYWHERE!) until they have gone through the agony of tearing it down. All three of the bedrooms and the dining room had wallpaper when I bought my house. Uggghhhh. In the first two years of home ownership, my spring break/summer projects involved the wallpaper teardowns and repaints. And let me tell you, those vacation time periods were consumed by the projects. Then I took a year off from the removal agenda and came back to it with the third bedroom. Well, then work and graduate school took priority. Now that I've got a little bit of time on my hands this spring, I'm back at it. After this project is done, it will be on to painting over the insipid stenciled heart border in my kitchen. Why, I ask you! Why?
Here are a few photos from the project . . . if you are interested.
At the start of the project. Note the stupid border:

Part of a wall done:

Oh, No! Look at those cracks!
I had to get rather generous with the spackle.

Wow, even the tinted primer looks nice!

The first coat of primer is complete.

Oh, Charlotte. Now I truly understand. It wasn't the culture's Victorian mindset. It wasn't post-partum depression. It wasn't even the Mitchell rest cure. IT WAS JUST THE DAMN WALLPAPER!!!

Stay tuned. . . the final paint color is "Chianti." I think I'll have a glass to match when this project is all said and done.